Friday, we were blessed with another SNOW DAY (I won't be saying that in June when I'm still at work)!! And this time we actually got some snow! The boys weren't too sure as you can see from the picture, but they ended up liking it after they realized they could knock down and break everything I tried to make! They also liked throwing the snow at each other and at me! Carson kept saying, "Snowballlllll fight!!" It was cute:)
Saturday was a big day. Carson finally pooped in the potty!!! I caught him "thinking" in the play room and I asked if he had to go and he said, "Yes!" and ran to the bathroom! It was fabulous...didn't carry over to Sunday, but at least we had some progress, right??
Sunday and Monday brought more fever for Carson. We already had an appointment for our 3 year old well child visit and for the 2nd well child visit in a row, we left the doctor's office with ear infections and prescriptions for antibiotics:( Carson had just finished his antibiotic on Friday, so bring on the poopy pants:( 20 out of 22 days on antibiotics is sure to bring some fun- and to think we have just finally come around to the idea of pooping in the potty.
We're having LOTS of fit throwing, whining, fighting over toys, yelling, "NO!" at anyone and everyone- but that's everyday, so I won't bore you with about if I blog about that when it DOESN'T happen!! The person who coined the term, "Terrible Twos" clearly had not made it to the 3's yet! The boys are "wrestling" and "tickling" each other quite a bit now and laugh hysterically while they roll all over the floor (Can I spray down some floor cleaner when they start that? Or is that abuse of some sort?) so that's cute to watch. Of course, someone always wants to quit before the other one does, which turns into either, fit throwing or whining from previous sentence:(
I finally had my appointment with the neurologist- and she thinks putting me on a daily blood pressure medicine will help reduce the number of migraines I'm having each month. Right now I'm at about 8-9 a month, so I'll try anything! She says that migraines can be stress induced and asked if I had alot of stress in my life......I referred her to this blog:)
Does anyone know how to change the time on this thing?? It's clearly NOT 8:15...just wondering.