Saturday April 24th brought us a rainy, tornadoey (I will add that word to wikipedia later) day. We started the day by going to cousin Trey's Birthday party. He is the same age as the boys, so it's always fun to get them together! He had a Thomas party, so the boys stayed close to the train table the whole time! Later that night we hosted a couple's shower for Leah and Aaron. The boys packed some toys and went with Doug and Lori for the evening. They got a trip to Chick-Fil-A, complete with playtime and then off to the Vining house for some new puzzles, crayons and coloring books. They ended up having a sleep over too and got rave reviews from the sitters! Our boys are growing up!
The shower was fun. Aaron was a sport, wearing his "new daddy" tool belt the whole time. I actually attempted to make Leah some sugar-free cupcakes (without a sifter- which may have been my problem). Two rounds laster, they tasted more like bread than cupcakes- but at least they were sweet! The parents-to-be got some good gear to help them prepare for Kerrigan's arrival. We had diaper relay races and dirty diaper times for all:)
The following week brought us some visitors. We were able to spend some time with Aaron's parents, brother Dave and nephew Gavan. For anyone that doesn't know, Aaron is an identical twin, so we were interested to see how the boys would react. They really just went with the flow and didn't seem confused at all! The boys LOVED having Gavan over....and even willingly shared their toys with him! Here is our final, and most successful, attempt at a picture of the 3 of them together....
Last Thursday was ENT day. It was much easier for me this time! I had a daddy come along for the fun! We got a good report for Parker...his tubes look great and we got some ear plugs for bath and pool time. So far he doesn't mind them too much- but wants them out immediately when he's done and can get them out himself, so I have a feeling we'll be going through several pairs! Dr. Goodson thinks that Carson's ears are OK right now. He put him on an antibiotic for the next month and if we can make it through "ear season" then we should be in the clear. If we get another infection then we'll be headed back to the operating room:( We're praying for infection free ears!
After the doctor's appointment, we packed the car and headed for Illinois for GGpa's funeral. We drove half way...with the boys awake almost the whole time....and got to Paducah, KY around 11pm. Parker had been asleep about an hour and a half, so he was asking for breakfast! Needless to say, sleep was sparse that night, but we survived!
Friday morning, we loaded back up and headed for GGma's house. After several more hours of driving, we met up with my dad and Brenda and ate some MONCIAL'S PIZZA. If you are from Illinois, you totally understand why that's in all caps! WhoooHooo! We checked into our second hotel of the weekend and spent some time with GGma. After dinner, we got a quick visit with mom and then headed to bed. The funeral was Saturday morning and then we headed back to GGma's house for some good food and time with family. GGpa is missed by all....we loved him dearly.
I'll save you the wet details of our trip back to Alabama, but it was filled with many hours on the road (all driven by Brad:)), lots of rain and tornadoes, peeing in all kinds of interesting places (side of the road, parking lots of adult book stores, exit ramps, corn fields), ANOTHER hotel, eating and swimming with Jen, Troy and the kids, flooding in Nashville, detours, changing into a dress at a BP station and finally a stop in at Leah's baby tea.
About an hour after we got the car unpacked (while it was raining), Brad hit the road for Macon (another 4 hours for Brad to drive, poor guy)....and that's where we stand.....exhausted and trying to make it through the week...we're counting our blessings and thankful for our crazy lives.....we aren't EVER bored...that's for sure!
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