Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Whatta Week

This past week has been absolutely CRAZY!! Saturday morning we headed to Chattanooga for my niece Emma's birthday party. The boys had a blast and rode the carousel at least 5 times! We hung out at Jen and Troy's and then headed to Tyler's baseball game. He started at catcher and had a couple of hits....makin' Aunt Meg proud. Keep up the hard work man! Our evening ended with Lupi's pizza (good call Troy) and some.....drum roll please......Baskin Robbins!! It was a long day, but good times, good food and QT with the fam makes it worth it:)

Wait, is Tyler grown?

Abigail, try to hang on to that wild man!

Jen with the birthday girl

Look at that lefty:)

Carson riding with the birthday girl

Monday morning we got an early wake up call and was at the hospital at 4:45am! That was early! BeBe stayed the night and took care of getting Carson ready and to school:) Parker had a great time in the waiting room, playing and climbing on everything.....but it all ended when they started the pre-op stuff (temp, bp, o2 stats). He calmed down once we were in the room and watching SpongeBob (thank goodness for cartoons, right?). After several rounds of that they were cautious, but do you really think I would forget to tell you if my family had a history of MD, seizures, or heart defects? Anyway, after a very short discussion about his ability to separate from his mama, we decided to give him Versed, to relieve his anxiety, or as Brad and I saw, make him drunk! He couldn't walk and when asked what an animal was in the Noah's Ark picture on the wall his response was, "It's rough....and tough.....I don't know mama." as he fell back and became dead weight. He went back with the nurse, no problem (since he was drunk!). It made it SOOOOOOOOO much easier on all parties involved:)

The doctor came out after about 30 minutes and told us that Parker's ears were "nasty" and his adenoids were filled with a "buttermilk looking" substance and, thanks, I could have just stuck with "nasty" period! He suspects that we will see a completely different child now- with less nose, throat and breathing problems! Yea Parker! After about 30 more minutes he came back to us....coughing like crazy and super fussy (a side effect from the Versed that gave us an easy hand-off...there's ALWAYS a price, huh??). He wanted the IV out and kept telling us "My hand is not sick, it's my ears and my nose! Take it out!!" He drank some juice and ate a green popcicle and we were on our way home after about 45 minutes.

Parker post surgery

When we returned home, we all took a short nap, and then HE (Not mom and dad. We could have used a longer nap!) was ready to go and has been running strong ever since!

Tuesday I kept both boys home from school. Parker had to stay home one more day, even though he was WIDE OPEN all day, and Carson woke up snotty and coughing. I made Carson a doctor's appointment, which produced another referral to the ENT. He has yet another ear infection....or is it still has an ear infection? Who knows, but he's wheezing too:( I just wish we would have looked at Carson's chart last time so that we could have done it all at once! So after several hours of pouting (me, not Carson), I'm over it- and just hanging on until next Thursday's appointment to see what the ENT says....

Last night, I realized that Brad would be getting the boys ready for school for the first time in 7 I ran through the list of morning meds.....these poor guys--
Carson- QVAR, Nasonex, Abuterol, Zyrtec, Singular, Azithromycin and Orapred (the last 3 are new from yesterday)
Parker- QVAR, Nasonex, Abuterol, Singular, Amoxicillin
Can I just say that I have made a great friend, sweet Kayla, that works at the CVS down the road. She knows me by name. "Hey Ms. Douglas, How are you? Which boy are you filling for today?" Really? I should get her a gift for taking such good care of me! Last month I made $28 in extra bucks from filling so many prescriptions!!

Today I got to go canoeing with the adapted PE department at work. It was fun. I was helping get the kids in and out of the canoes. I actually was ankle deep in muddy water in tennis shoes- yes folks, that is know I wouldn't ruin a pair of shoes for just anyone;) One particular student was having a hard time getting in the boat, so I was "modeling" what he should do and I stepped in the canoe. He followed along and eventually sat down in the canoe. As I took my foot out of the canoe, he grabbed it and held it with a death grip. After a balancing act, in mud I might add, holding on to my last principal's shoulder and someone prying his fingers off my shoe I (and the principal) was spared from being drenched in mud and water. We all had a good time and I was able to catch up with some of the people I worked with at my last school.

We are gearing up for a couples shower at our house for Leah and Aaron this weekend. Leah has officially made it to 30 weeks- which was when I was delivering (30 wks +5 days actually)- so we're happy to be hosting a shower for a baby that's not here yet! It's a couples shower, and we all know how fun guys and babies can be, so Aaron, consider yourself warned. It's gonna be fun!
Please continue to keep my granny and our family in your thoughts and prayers- we'll be heading to Illinois late next week for the services for GGpa.

1 comment:

  1. Just wait til CVS has a cupcake waiting for your birthday, and of course gluten free, why, "because we know you have allergies!"
    So glad to hear Parker is feeling better!
