Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pretty Quiet Week...Happy Birthday Mom:)

Let's see....we've actually had a pretty quiet week.

We headed down to Calera to see my friend Tracey who was recovering from surgery. She was up for some pool lounging, so we met her at the pool. I unload the boys out of the car, Parker first, and as I get Carson I out, I see Parker pants down, peeing in the parking lot. These little redneck boys just don't know when to ask for a bathroom anymore....wonder what they will do once it starts getting cold again?!?! We had a good time swimming with Tracey, her sister Kim and nephew Ian. The boys were asleep before we got out of the subdivision:)

We enjoyed a trip to the McWane Center with my friend Cj and her little girl Emma. We saw the IMAX movie Animalopolis. It started out good...and the boys were interested...but after about 30 minutes they were done. The kids played for quite awhile and we finished with a trip to the Mellow Mushroom...yummy! I can always count on Cj to go to the Mushroom with me! After eating, Cj showed off her new pimped out minivan....and actually made me want one! I can just see how much easier my life would have been (with 1 carseat on each arm) with automatic opening doors!! The boys LOVED it! Now, if I can only convince Brad.....

Our weekend was filled with catching up with friends and a little bit of shopping. We were actually looking for "big boy" beds for the boys. We are leaning toward bunk beds. Let the fighting over who gets the "top" bunk begin. We really just went to see if they could even get up and down the ladder. I took Parker to be a bottom bunk guy...he likes "hiding" and putting the covers over his head before he goes to sleep and I thought he'd like the darkness that the top provides, but instead his daring side won out and he wants the top. Any bets on how long until he jumps off? Carson loved that he could get up and down the stairs "all by himself"...he kept saying "Don't help me, I can do it!" We didn't purchase yet...they said we could tell Santa that they wanted that bed. (can you tell I'm using that to get out of Target these days??) We're not sure what will happen, but they agreed that they would take turns on who got the top. We'll see how that goes. I see Boardmaker calendars and countdowns in my future.

Parker upped his game this week- trying to outsmart his mama. I told the boys to finish their breakfast while I finished getting ready. They both had 1 piece of waffle and a few blueberries left. Pretty soon, Carson comes into my room and tells me he is finished. I believe him and go on getting ready. A few minutes later, Parker comes in saying he is finished.

Me- "Did you eat everything?
P- "Yes"
Me- "So your plate is empty?"
P- Shakes his head yes.
Me- Are you telling the truth? Your plate will be empty if I look at it?"
P- "Yes, mama, wanna see?"

When I get out to the kitchen, all of his blueberries are in his cup. Yep, plate was empty, but he didn't eat EVERYTHING!! That little smarty pants thought he'd pulled it off....for that I made sure he ate every last one of those blueberries though!

A conversation I heard in the car this week:

P- "Mama, I see a lake."
C- "What's awake?"
P- "I see a lake."
C- "What's awake, Parker? Is it a bear?"
C- "Is there a bear Mama? Insert screaming here "The bear is awake, oh no!! It's gonna eat us up and we'll be gone for ever and ever!!!"
P- "It's a lake Carson, and I don't think it can eat us."

Brad headed back to Georgia this week. We've had him home for a few weeks (minus the 2 nights last week), so I guess I can't complain too much. We've just been hangin' at the house...which has been a nice change. We met LeLe, Guncle and Kerrigan last night at Habaneros for dinner....and then to the cookie store for dessert:) We just can't get out of Habaneros without visiting that place!

Happy Birthday to my Mom who will....dare I say it....turn 60 tomorrow! We love you and hope you have a fantastic day!

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